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How to protect Your Kid’s Teeth on the cheap

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Buying dental care products can be a huge hassle. You go to the store, you look at the isle and you see dozens, if not hundreds of products you can choose from. Each one has bright, glowing labels about why they’re the best and how you need them for their teeth.

And it’s a bunch of lies.

You can keep your kid’s teeth complete, 100% healthy for only $20 per year. below we’ll take a look at the breakdown.


Before we go into the price breakdown, we’ll add this note. often times your dentist will give you products for free whenever you go for a checkup. It’s pretty common you’ll get a free toothbrush, free floss and a tiny package of toothpaste. usa isto! And, if you’ve got several kids, ask for more! Dentists can get these items for very cheap and will more often than not be delighted about helping your kids keep their teeth clean. This alone can entirely remove the cost of toothbrushes and floss often times.

Pasta de dentes

Toothpaste itself is a total nightmare to look through. There are different ways to make whiter teeth, cavities, gum health, bad breath, overall oral health… the list goes on and on. The basic idea is fluoride. É isso. Don’t spent crazy amounts of money on some super special formula. It doesn’t really do that much more. If your dentist recommends some special, definitely take their recommendation. Otherwise, just get a fluoride based toothpaste and be done with it.

The main thing to look for with toothpaste is the price per ounce. The lower that value, the better the price. below we’ve got the cheapest price we could find on the internet. keep in mind that these prices do not include shipping or tax.

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Recommendation: aim Cavity protection Toothpaste

By far and away the cheapest toothpaste we could find is the aim Cavity protection Toothpaste from Target. This option comes in at 14.5 cents per ounce, which is far cheaper than any other paste that we found. In addition, the next cheapest options were both whitening toothpastes, which children shouldn’t be using. The abrasives will do more harm than good to their teeth. stick with aim Cavity protection an you’ll keep their teeth clean as a whistle. As a side note, the tube size of aim Cavity protection Toothpaste is a bit smaller (6 oz) so you’ll probably need three or four for a full year.


Nowadays there are tons of crazy toothbrush options. You can easily spend $200 on an electric toothbrush that has supersonic technology, on-device timers, 8 replaceable brush head options. Etc. The thing is, we’ve been using manual toothbrushes for a long time and they still work pretty well. Yes, clinical studies show that electric toothbrushes do clean better, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have healthy teeth without them. The biggest part of tooth health comes from brushing twice a day for two minutes each. No matter what toothbrush you’ve got, if you do that and use a fluoride based toothpaste, your teeth will be healthy.

Suggestion: Colgate extra clean medium Toothbrush

The cheapest option we found for a toothbrush package was the Colgate extra clean medium Toothbrush pack on Amazon. keep in mind that you’ll need to replace your toothbrush every three or so months. This pack includes four toothbrushes, so you’ll only need on pack for each member of your family. These toothbrushes come in at 65 cents per brush.

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Floss is a bit trickier to figure out, because they come in price per yard. According to general dentistry recommendations, you should use about 10cm of floss (about 4 inches) per use. This means that you’ll get around 9 flosses per yard. Generally, dentists recommend for you to floss once per day, so you’ll need about 41 yards of floss per year.

As you look at floss options, you’ll find a number of floss picks. These are really convenient, but they’re significantly more expensive and pretty terrible for the environment (they’re all made individually from plastic and are one-use). If you’re trying to keep the price down, you’ll save significantly more money by going with standard string floss. Yes, there are super expensive options that will clean teeth better, but the idea here is the same as toothbrushes: string floss works just fine to clean teeth.

Suggestion: equate Waxed dentAl fio dental

O fio dental mais barato que encontramos foi o fio dental Equated encerado no Walmart. Este pacote de fio dental de 120 jardas é de apenas 1,2 centavo por metro. Com 9 usos por metro, ele sai de cerca de 0,13 centavos por uso. Isso é muito barato. Além disso, lembre -se de que 120 jardas são muito mais do que você precisará por um ano. Este único pacote de fio dental durará facilmente dois anos se estiver usando -o com responsabilidade.

Enxaguatório bucal

O maior custo da sua rotina de cuidados bucais será, sem dúvida, enxaguatório bucal. Quando executamos os números, o enxaguatório bucal chegou a cerca de US $ 25 por ano, mesmo o mais barato. Todo o resto combinado é de apenas US $ 20, para que você possa cortar muito do seu orçamento, se não receber nenhum.

Maneiras simples relacionadas de incorporar proteínas em todas as refeições

De um modo geral, o enxaguatório bucal é muito útil para a saúde bucal. Ignorá -lo completamente não é recomendado, mas você pode criar melhores opções baratas. O primeiro é simplesmente usar água salgada. Basta limpar uma velha garrafa de ketchup e encher -a com água. Adicione cerca de meia colher de chá de sal por xícara de água (8 onças). Certifique -se de agitar todas as manhãs antes do uso para misturar tudo bem.

Por Jeffery Williams para a revista Healthy Moms

Fornecedor de dentes limpos, gengivas saudáveis ​​e super sorrisos, Jeffery Williams é um especialista em saúde bucal e comprovado. Quando ele não está pesquisando e escrevendo artigos para seu site, ele está conquistando as florestas do norte do estado de Washington com sua esposa Violet.

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